Medical Amnesty

Medical Amnesty Policy for Students in the College of Arts & Sciences and Sawyer Business School

Law Students: Please contact the Law School Dean of Students Office at 617-573-8157 for more information about Medical Amnesty for Alcohol or Drug Violations

In situations of medical emergencies caused by alcohol and/or drug use, the primary concern is the health and safety of the individual(s) involved. Students are strongly encouraged to call for medical assistance (On-campus call: 617- 573-8111; Off-campus call 911) for themselves or for another student whom they believe is dangerously intoxicated or is experiencing medical issues because s/he is under the influence of alcohol and/or drugs.

Students experiencing an alcohol and/or drug-related medical emergency may receive medical amnesty through the Suffolk University Student Conduct System when students or their friends or other persons (not University staff) are concerned about them and seek medical assistance from SUPD or Residence Life & Housing staff (or from local police if off-campus). Medical amnesty may be extended to students who seek help from SUPD or Residence Life & Housing staff (or from local police if off-campus) for another student provided they remain with the student experiencing the medical emergency until medical assistance arrives. Medical amnesty applies to the use of alcohol and/or drugs and does not extend to other violations of the Community Standards including, but not limited to, distribution of alcohol or drugs, vandalism or assault. Students granted medical amnesty may be required to complete educational or other sanctions. The University reserves the right to inform parents/guardians when students receive medical amnesty.

Students, whose pattern of behavior suggests the ongoing use of alcohol and/or drugs, may not be granted medical amnesty.

Survivors of alleged violations of the Policy & Procedures on Sexual Misconduct, Relationship Violence, and Stalking who are alleged to have violated the Student Alcohol and Drug Policy at the time of the sexual misconduct incident, may be granted amnesty for their use of alcohol or illegal drugs.

Only in an environment free of substance abuse can Suffolk University fulfill its mission of developing the professional, social, cultural and intellectual potential of each member of its community.

Students are required to review and abide by the University's policies on alcohol and other drugs.