Professor Erin Sullivan in the Boston Globe

Healthcare Administration professor quoted in article that explores the rise of concierge medicine for primary care doctors and patients

The 2024-25 Academic Year Welcomes New Faculty to SBS

New faculty and new roles for current faculty at the Sawyer Business School

The Epidemic At Our Desks

Management & entrepreneurship professor co-authors paper that explores the causes of—and solutions to—loneliness in the workplace

Creating 21st-Century Campus Police

Sawyer Business School professor helps college police organizations around the country adapt to new challenges

A System That's Sick

Healthcare administration professor studies the symptoms behind physician burnout in the US healthcare system

Suffolk Deans Provide Support to State’s New AI Task Force

Bicen, Perlman will serve on working groups to advance AI at state level

The Health of A Nation

Business School Healthcare Administration graduate student and professor strive to improve patient outcomes in the Georgia Republic

Professor Nancy Chun Feng on WalletHub

Accounting Professor Nancy Chun Feng appeared as an expert on the WalletHub website, answering questions about charitable giving and how to decide whether to give organizations time or money (or both).

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