The Impact of Fraud: Madoff and Beyond

Fraud has always plagued the economy, but recent revelations about the magnitude and impact of certain fraud cases have astounded the public and challenged the legal system.

Suffolk University Law School’s Advanced Legal Studies program will present a daylong seminar on “The Impact of Fraud: Madoff and Beyond” on Friday, May 29.

This course addresses:


  • The factual and legal underpinnings of complex fraud schemes
  • What rights and risks clients face after being victimized by fraud
  • The benefits and limitations of relying on restitution in criminal sentencing
  • How to identify officers, directors or outside professionals who may be liable for the wrongdoing of others and may serve as an alternate source of repayment
  • How in-house counsel must balance Sarbanes-Oxley obligations against the attorney-client privilege in order to avoid personal liability
  • How to decipher the insurance considerations that can protect a client or affect a client’s recovery from directors, officers and outside professionals


Faculty for the course have experience with bankruptcy law, the insurance industry, financial recovery, the U.S. Justice Department and the courts.

“The Impact of Fraud: Madoff and Beyond” conference is co-sponsored with Suffolk University Law School's Business Law and Financial Services Concentration and the Federal Bar Association. It is supported in part by an unrestricted educational grant from Nelson, Kinder, Mosseau & Saturley, P.C.

The conference will take place from 9 a.m. to 4 p.m Friday, May 29, at Suffolk University Law School, 120 Tremont St., Boston.