About the Public Affairs Office

The Office of Public Affairs promotes Suffolk University through media outreach and internal and external communication, with the goal of increasing public recognition and appreciation of the University.

The office serves as the central clearinghouse for information about the University, its people, and its activities.

The Public Affairs vice president serves as the official spokesperson for the University, and the office coordinates emergency messaging in collaboration with public safety officers.

The Office of Public Affairs is available to consult with University departments and institutes on publicity and marketing. It is uniquely positioned to promote consistent messages about the University and its three academic units.

Contact the Office of Public Affairs

Among the services Public Affairs provides:

  • Offers media relations services to connect news media with faculty experts for interviews
  • Helps to define a message and determine communications goals
  • Communicates through press releases, web content, electronic and social media, correspondence, newsletters, speeches, and opinion pieces
  • Works actively to spread the news to the targeted audience
  • Promotes faculty expertise through targeted pitches and an online Faculty Experts Guide
  • Aggregates University announcements and news in the weekly Inside Suffolk electronic employee newsletter, accepting submissions
  • Manages news stories on the Suffolk website
  • Creates an environment where opportunities for positive public relations are aggressively pursued and where negative attention is adroitly handled