If You Have Been a Target of a Bias Incident or Hate Crime

If you believe that you may have been the target of a bias incident or and/or a hate crime, you should file a grievance as noted above but also:

  • If necessary, obtain medical attention, and if you feel unsafe call SUPD immediately at 617-573-8111.
  • If possible, preserve any evidence and document the incident as thoroughly as possible (graffiti, phone call recording, e-mail message, letter, and so forth) by taking pictures, videotaping, and writing down everything you or witnesses remember, and keeping the contact information of any witnesses
  • Submit a report by filling out the Bias Hate Crime Report Form. On-line reports will be reviewed by the coordinator.
  • If you are not sure whether or not a bias incident may be a hate crime, you may report it anyway to SUPD at 617-573-8239.
  • It is best to report an incident as early as possible to facilitate the investigation. SUPD, and other offices listed here will be able to refer you to a variety of support resources both on and off campus that will be helpful. Please do not hesitate to request this information at any time. It is important to talk to someone if you experience or witness a bias incident or hate crime.