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"Holistic sickening: breast cancer and the discursive worlds of complementary and alternative practitioners.” With Susan Sered. Sociology of Health & Illness Vol. 30 No. 4 2008: 616– 631.
Baby Steps: How Lesbian Insemination is changing the World. Middletown, Connecticut: Wesleyan University Press. Paper edition, 2005.
“Stratified Reproduction.” Entry in the Encyclopedia of Sociology, Blackwell, 2005.
Oral Presentations
“Women’s Mental Health and Well-Being: How a Human Rights Perspective Helps.” Keynote address at the conference “Women’s Mental Health and Well-Being: (How) Does a Human Rights Perspective Help?” Suffolk University. Boston. January 2007.
“Health, Human Rights, and Hurricane Katrina.” Presentation in the Health and the Environment panel, Boston Meets Katrina: Anniversary Symposium. University of Massachusetts, Boston. September 2006.
“Silence, Ideology, Enforced Stories, and Hidden Agendas: Laws & Policies regarding Lesbian AI And their Implementation.” Thematic Session Panelist, American Sociological Association Conference. Montreal. August 2006.
Professional Activities
Director, Center for Women’s Health and Human Rights
Academic Director, Practicum in Advocacy at the United Nations Commission on the Status of Women
Other Activities
Principal and Steering Committee Member, Massachusetts CEDAW Coalition
Board Member, Jobs with Justice, Workers’ Rights Board