- PhD, Tufts University
- MA, Northwestern University
- BA, Hunter College
- "Defying The Eye Chart", A Collection of Poems Mayapple Press, 2007.
- “Poetry for Children,” essay in The Encyclopedia of Children’s Literature, Oxford UP, 2006.
- “The Mindless Body and the Bodiless Mind: Gyrations of Body, Mind, and Soul in Short Story Fantasies by Jewish Writers” in Fantastic Odysseys. Ed.Mary Pharr, Prager Press, 2003.
- “Children Stranded Among The Dark Satanic Mills” in Journal of the Fantastic in The Arts, Vol. 13, No. 5, 2003.
- “MindingThe Trickster” and “Twenty-two to Trick on the Tongue,” two poems in Trickster’s Way, an on-line journal published by Trinity University, San Antonio, Texas, 2003.
- “The Immutable,” “Lines Attributed to King Alfred the Great (849-899) from Recently Discovered Scrolls. . . ,“ and “Quotients,” poems anthologized in Do Not Give Me Things Unbroken. Ed. Laura Hechtman Ayers, et. al,Writers Club Press, 2002.
- “Seeing the Eye in the Darkness of Being. . .” (essay with poems and memoir) in Trickster’s Way, an on-line journal published by Trinity University, San Antonio, Texas, 2002.
- “Why the Sphinx,” “Threat,” “Reading the Eye Chart,” “Tachyonic Toss #1,” “The Seamstress of Flowers”: poems anthologized in Uncommon places. Eds. Kerman and Riggs, Mayapple Press, 2000.
- Scheherazade’s Sisters: Trickster Heroines and Their Stories in World Literature, Greenwood Press, 1998.
- “The Pseudo-Cosmographies of Stanislaw Lem” in Utopian Studies 9. No. 2, 1998.
- “Solus Solo, The Monster Self: Solipsism in Peer Gynt, Grendel, Perfume” in PARA*DOXA: STUDIES IN WORLD LITERATURE GENRES, Vol. 2, No. 1, 1996.
- “A Woman’s A Two-Faced” in Journal of Fantasy in the Arts, Spring Issue, 1995.
- “Mithraic Aspects of Merlin in Mary Stewart’s The Crystal Cave” in Contributions to the Study of Science Fiction and Fantasy, Marshall Tymn, Ed., Greenwood Press, 1991.
- “The Applauded Jigsaw, Patterns of Lives Contoured by Voices: The Literary Lives of James Playsted Wood” in The Voice of the Narrator in Children’s Literature: Insights from Writers and Critics. Eds. Otten and Schmidt, Greenwood Press, 1989.
- “A Critical Exploration of the Aborigine in Australian Books for Children” in Webs and Wardrobes: Humanist and Religious World Views in Children’s Literature, Eds., Milner and Milner, University Press of America, 1987.
- “Children's Literature in the College Classroom,” College English, February, 1983.
- Coordinating Editor, The Unforbidden Fruit: A Journal in Fantasy and Folklore, Suffolk University, 1977.
- “What’s Left Out of Biography for Children” in The Great Excluded: Critical Essays in Children’s Literature, Vol l, No, 1, Yale UP, 1972.
- A Department Store Has Everything! and Seeds from the Store, A Play and Poems for Children. Boston: Todd Press, 1969.