Professor Mark Lehrer's research and teaching interests lie at the intersection of strategy, international business, and technology. Collaborating with Professor Sokol Celo, he is publishing a series of articles that highlight the potential of complexity science as a new paradigm in the field of international business. Additionally, in partnership with Professor Kim Wang, he is integrating the global transition from a fossil fuel-based economy to a hydrogen economy into student projects and expanding it as an area of scientific research.
Among his teaching achievements, Professor Lehrer has developed the unique MBA course MBA 710: Understanding World-Class Clusters, which explores the economics and social dynamics of major metropolitan areas, such as Boston.
Professor Lehrer has authored approximately 50 peer-reviewed publications on topics including innovation, born-global firms, multinational corporations, and the German political economy. He is also the author of the Wall Street Journal Instructor’s Weekly Review in Strategic Management, an online column read by thousands of management educators who incorporate the Wall Street Journal into their courses.
Honors and Recognitions
- Fulbright Global Fellowship Award to Israel and Germany, 2020-21
Professional Activities
- Editorial Board, Journal of International Management (since 2013)
- Author, Wall Street Journal Instructor’s Review in Strategic Management (since 2001)
Recent Intellectual Contributions
2024 Sokol Celo, Mark Lehrer, and Dmitry Zinoviev, Modeling serendipity in opportunity search by born-global firms: Performance implications from a computer simulation of evolutionary drift using NKC methodology. International Business Review.
2024 Mark Lehrer, Kim Wang, and Michael Behnam, Lopsided Schumpeterian Competition and the superstar phenomenon in OLED Flat-Panel Displays. Technology Analysis & Strategic Management, 36(8), 1943-1959.
2022 Mark Lehrer and T. Almor, Startups Internationalizing in Quest of a Business Model: The Global Prospecting of Process Niche Firms. Journal of International Management, 28(1), 100906.
2022 Sokol Celo and Mark Lehrer, How much lateral collaboration is optimal? Insights from computer simulations of MNEs as complex adaptive systems. Journal of World Business, 57(3), 101289.
2022 Mark Lehrer and Stefan Schmid, Keeping it Personal While Growing the Business: the German Mittelstand Approach. Journal of Business Strategy, 43(3), 148-156.
2020 Mark Lehrer and Lydia Segal, The Stewardship Organization: Essential Characteristics and Conditions of Feasibility American Journal of Business, 35 (3-4) 175-190.
2020 Mark Lehrer and Stefan Schmid, Strategic Discipline: Inconspicuous Lessons from Germanic Mittelstand Firms. Journal of Business Strategy, 41 (4) 3-9.
2019 Whitney Douglas Fernandez, Yannick Thams, and Mark Lehrer, What Does Board Capital Really Bring to the Table?. American Journal of Business, 34 (3/4) 134-147.
2019 Mark Lehrer and Stefan Schmid, Family Firms Taking Surprising Risks: Building Success on Conservative Values. Journal of Business Strategy, 40 (5) 21-27.
2017 Mark Lehrer, Preeta M. Banerjee, and Kim Wang, When the Sky is the Limit on Scale: From Temporal to Multiplicative Scaling in Process-Based Technologies. Technological Forecasting & Social Change, 117, 151-159.
2017 Kim Wang, Lihong Qian, and Mark Lehrer, From Technology Race to Technology Marathon: A Behavioral Explanation of Technology Advancement. European Management Journal, 35 (2) 187-197.
2017 Mark Lehrer and Sokol Celo, Boundary-Spanning and Boundary-Buffering in Global Markets: A German Perspective on the Internationalization of Family Firms. Review of International Business and Strategy, 27 (2) 161-179.
2016 Mark Lehrer and Sokol Celo, German Family Capitalism in the 21st Century: Patient Capital Between Bifurcation and Symbiosis. Socioeconomic Review, 14 (4) 729-750.
2016 Mark Lehrer, Preeta M. Banerjee, and Kim Wang, The Improvement Trajectory of PCR DNA Replication and ERP Software as General Purpose Technologies: An Exploratory Study of "Anchor Technologies." Technology Analysis & Strategic Management, 28 (3) 290-304.
2015 Mark Lehrer and Stefan Schmid, Germany’s Industrial Family Firms: Prospering Islands of Social Capital in Financialized World?. Competition and Change, 19 (4) 301-316.