Micky Lee, PhD
Associate Dean of Core Experience, College of Arts and Sciences; Professor, Communication, Journalism & Media
Send a MessageProgram Director, Asian Studies, CAS Cross-college program, and First-Year Seminar
Co-director of Creativity and Innovation
Micky Lee is a feminist, a Hong Kong citizen, a British national, and a US resident.
- PhD, University of Oregon
- MPhil, City University of Hong Kong
- BSSC, Hong Kong Baptist University
Research Interests
My research focus intersects the following three areas:
- International communication
- Telecommunications, information, new information and communication technologies
- Feminist political economy
Some research questions that I am currently interested in:
- The intersection between finance, information, and media.
- How to understand gendered and racialized images from a feminist political economic perspective
Employment History
- Summer 2016
Chinese University of Hong Kong - 2005-present
Suffolk University - 2004-2005
Ithaca College
Selected Publications
- Lee, M., Reeve, P., & Cooper, F. R. (Eds.). (2022). Dis/ability in media, law, and history: Embodied AND socially constructed. New York: Routledge.
- Lee, M., & Chung, P. (Eds.) (2021). Media technologies for work and play in East Asia: Critical perspectives on Japan and the two Koreas. Bristol, UK: Bristol University Press.
- Lee, M. (2021). Information. New York: Routledge.
- Lee, M. (2019). Alphabet: The Becoming of Google. New York: Routledge
- Lee, M. (2019). Bubbles and Machines: Gender, Information, and Financial Crises. London: University of Westminster Press.
- Lee, M., & Jin. D. Y. (2018). Understanding the Business of Global Media in the Digital Age. New York: Routledge.
- Lee, S. & Lee, M. (2017). (Eds.). Wong Kar-wai: Interviews. Jackson, MS: University of Mississippi Press.
- Lee, M. (2010). Free Information? The Case Against Google. Champaign, IL: Common Ground.
Refereed Journal Articles
- Kuhnhenn, M., Lee, M. & Zhang, W. (2020). Media liberalization: Control and consumption of foreign media in North Korea, China, and East Germany. The International Journal of Communication, 14, 1421-1437.
- Raesch, M., Lee, M., & Cooper, F. (2015). From lonesome cowboys to geek masculinities: A study of documentary films produced during the financial crisis. Interactions: Studies in Communication and Culture, 6(3), 287-301.
- Lee, M. (2014). On becoming an exchange: Translating Michel Callon into a political economy of communication. Triple C: Communication, Capitalism, and Critique, 12(2), 891-908.
- Lee, M. (2014). What can political economists learn from economic sociologists? A case study of NASDAQ. Communication, Culture, and Critique, 7(2), 246-263.
- Lee, M. (2014). A review of communication scholarship on the financial markets and the financial media. International Journal of Communication, 8, 715-736.
- Lee, M. (2014). A feminist political economic critique of women and investment in the popular media. Feminist Media Studies, 14(4), 270-285.
- Lee, M. (2013). Information and finance capital. Information, Communication, and Society, 16(7), 1139-1156.
- Lee, M., & Smith, C. (2012). The bodies of Chinese women gymnasts in the Beijing Olympics. China Media Research, 8(3), 72-80.
- Lee, M. (2012). Time and the political economy of financial television. Journal of Communication Inquiry, 36(4), 322-339.
- Lee, M. (2011). A feminist political economic critique of the human development approach to new ICTs. International Communication Gazette, 73(6), 524-538.
- Lee, M. (2011). Google ads and the Blindspot Debate. Media, Culture, Society, 33(3), 433-447.
- Lee, M. (2010). A political economic critique of Google Maps and Google Earth. Information, Communication, and Society, 13(6), 909-928.
- Lee, M. (2010). Revisiting the “Google in China” question from a political economic perspective. China Media Research, 6(2), 15-24.
- Translated into Lee, M. (2010). 从政治经济学视角再次探讨“谷歌在中国问题. China Media Report Overseas, 6(1), 44-53.
- Lee, M. (2010). How to think about intellectual property of open source software from a feminist political economic perspective? The International Journal of Technology, Knowledge, and Society, 6(1), 107-119.
- Lee, M. (2009). Constructed global space, constructed citizenship. Javnost – The Public, 16(3), 21-38.
- Fung, A., & Lee, M. (2009) Localizing a global amusement park: Hong Kong’s Disneyland. Continuum: Journal of Media and Cultural Studies 23(2), 195-206.
- Lee, M. (2008). A feminist political economic understanding of the relations between state, market and civil society from Beijing to Tunis. International Journal of Media and Cultural Politics, 4(2), 221-240.
- Lee, M. (2007). On the relationship between international telecommunications development and global women's poverty. International Communication Gazette, 69(2), 193-213.
- Lee, M. (2006). What's missing in feminist research in new information and communication technologies? Feminist Media Studies, 6(2), 191-210.
- Lee, M. (2004). UNESCO's conceptualization of women and telecommunications 1970-2000. Gazette: The International Journal for Communication Studies, 66(6), 533-552.
- Lee, M. (2012). Mediating women workers in fair trade and sweat free production. Feminist Media Studies, 12(2), 307-310.
- Lee, M. (2011). A feminist political economy to communication. Feminist Media Studies Tenth Anniversary edition, 11(1), 83-87.

Contact Me
- 617-944-6453
- [email protected]
- 414E, Samia Academic Center
Office Hours
- Monday 10:00 a.m. - 11:00 a.m.
- Wednesday 8:00 a.m. - 8:45 a.m.
- Schedule an Appointment
Courses Taught
- AS 281 Asian Popular Culture
- AS 511 Professional Development for Asian Studies
- CI 1123 The Fantastic Feast
- CJN 152 Visual Aesthetics
- CJN 281 Asian Popular Culture
- CJN H152 Honors Visual Aesthetics
- CJN H381 Honors Business of Media
- FYS 1208 Social Meanings of Money