Mary Beth Medvide, PhD

Assistant Professor, Psychology

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On leave, Spring 2023


  • PhD, Boston College
  • MA, Boston College
  • MA, Columbia University
  • BS, Lehigh University
  • Predoctoral Internship: Geisel School of Medicine, Dartmouth College
  • Postdoctoral Fellowship: Geisel School of Medicine, Dartmouth College
  • Licensed Psychologist in MA

Research Interests

Adolescent career development, school-to-work transitions, hope and purpose in the lives of marginalized youth, qualitative research methodologies, philosophy of science

Current Research

What gives marginalized youth a sense of purpose and hope that they can achieve their goals, overcome barriers, and find meaningful work? My current research focuses on the organizational, social, and relational factors that foster hope in young people as they set goals in high school and plan their academic and vocational futures. I utilize qualitative methodologies to explore the experiences of marginalized youth who face structural and systemic barriers to academic attainment in high school and decent work. I am also interested in work-based learning programs and the potential benefits to introduce young people to the world of work, form mentoring relationships, and develop skills that will help them achieve their vocational goals.

Selected Publications

Medvide, M.B., & Kenny, M.E. (2020). Hope in the lives of low-income students of color: A qualitative study of experiences in a work-based learning program. Journal of Career Development. Advance online publication.

\Medvide, M.B., Kozan, S., Blustein, D.L., Kenny, M.E. (2019). School-to-work transition of noncollege-bound youth: An integration of life design paradigm and the psychology of working theory. In J.G. Maree (Ed). Handbook of innovative career counselling (pp. 157-172). Cham, Switzerland, Springer. 

Kenny, M. E., Medvide, M. B., Minor, K. M., Walsh-Blair, L. Y., Bemphechat, J., Seltzer, J., & Blustein, D. L. (2015). A qualitative inquiry of the roles, responsibilities, and relationships within work-based learning supervision. Journal of Career Development, 42, 117-132.

Franklin, A. J., & Medvide, M. B. (2013). Psychotherapy and the integration of the psychology of working into therapeutic practices. In D. L. Blustein (Ed.). The Oxford handbook of the psychology of working (pp. 252-270). New York, NY: Oxford University Press. 

Medvide, M. B. & Blustein, D. L. (2010). Exploring the educational and career plans of urban minority students in a dual enrollment program. Journal of Career Development. 37, 541-558.

Faculty Mary Beth Medvide smiling in black shirt

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Courses Taught

  • COUNS-712 Life Span Development
  • COUNS-717 Introduction to Psychological Testing
  • COUNS-732 Psychological Disorders of Childhood and Adolescence
  • COUNS-733 Counseling for Diverse Populations