Ruth Prakasam, MA

Senior Instructor, English

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  • MA, University of Warwick 
  • BA, Andrews University

Research Interests

  • 19th Century British Women's Travelwriting and Novels about India
  • Colonial and Post-Colonial Literature in the Anglophone Tradition

Conference Presentations

  • “Fear Comes to Palstrey: Representations of Indian Women on English Soil,”, Panel at the 46th Northeast Modern Language Association Convention in Toronto, Canada, May 2015.
  • “‘Witnessing’ the Mutiny: Women in the Novel, The Great White Hand (or The Tiger of Cawnpore)”, Seminar Panel at the 44th Northeast Modern Language Association Convention in Boston, Massachusetts, March 2013.
  • “A Symbol of Home: The Englishwoman’s Place in Nineteenth Century India”, Panel at the 41st Northeast Modern Language Association Convention in Montreal, Canada, April 2010.
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Office Hours

    Tuesday 11:00 a.m. - 12:00 p.m. by appointment on Zoom
    Wednesday 11:30 a.m. - 1:30 p.m. by appointment

  • Schedule an Appointment

Courses Taught

  • ENG-135 World Literature in English
  • WRI-101 First Year Writing I
  • WRI-H103 Advanced First Year Writing
  • WRI-102 First Year Writing II
  • CAS-H101 Honors Strategies of Success
  • ENG-130 Introduction to Literature