Department Resources & Forms

The Psychology Department offers a wealth of resources. Read on to learn more about them.

Department Newsletter

The Psychology Department publishes a newsletter at the end of every fall and spring semester. The past semesters' newsletters are archived here.

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Photocopy Request Form

Please use this form to request photocopies of books, articles, etc. You will receive a confirmation email when the photocopy job has been completed. If you are requesting photocopies from physical materials, please leave a copy with the Psychology Department front desk.  If you require physical copies of a digital file, please email the file as an attachment and supply the information requested in the form below in the text of the email.

Photocopy Request Form 

Room Request Form

Please use this form to request reservable spaces, including the Psychology Conference Room and Lab Spaces. Please review the "Reservable Spaces" policy in your manuals and Canvas resource pages for room capacities and available equipment. Lab spaces should not be used to house personal belongings during the time of your reservation. Requests may be extended beyond three weeks by submitting an additional request form and notifying the Administrative Coordinator. If you end up not needing a space for a time block you have it booked, you must notify staff immediately so that the room can be opened back up for use. Failure to comply with all guidelines will result in loss of room privileges.

Room Request Form

Guidance and Testing Materials

The Psychology Department has a library of psychological reference materials, pedagogical videotapes, guidance tests, and assessment tools. All of our materials are available for graduate student and faculty use on a sign-in/sign-out basis. Anyone interested in borrowing any of our materials should see the department staff.

Please follow the links below to browse our holdings:

Inventory of Books [XLSX]
Inventory of Videos [XLSX]
Inventory of Kits [XLSX]
Inventory of Forms, Manuals, and Tests [XLSX]

(Inventory documents updated January 2019)

Testing Library Book, Kit, and Film Request

Before filling out the reservation form, please check on our Testing Library Spreadsheet found above for books, kits and videos to see if the item exists in the Testing Library; give at least 24 hours for the request to be filled. Books, videos and kits may be checked out for a maximum of 4 weeks, with the exception of TA Books.

Faculty and students in need of testing library material not listed on the Testing Library Spreadsheet should utilize the Student Research & Purchasing Form for more information. 

Abuse of Testing Library Materials may result in termination of Library Privileges; should anything be destroyed or lost while it is signed out of the testing library, the person who signed out the material(s) will be liable for replacement.

Testing Library Book, Kit, and Film Request

Testing Library Form Request

Forms are considered to be single-use paper forms, tests, and records. One form can be taken free of charge when accompanying a research proposal for Suffolk’s IRB. Additional forms may be available at extra charge. When forms are used for research, the cost of forms will be deducted from funds earmarked for student research. Additional requests for forms will be considered on a case by case scenario. See the Student Research & Purchasing Form for more information. Instructors should inform staff of the quantity of forms needed for teaching prior to the start of the semester to ensure availability. Photocopies can be used for classroom use.

* Indicates a required field.

It is expected that any unused forms will be returned to the Testing Library.

Abuse of Testing Library Materials may result in termination of library privileges; should anything be destroyed or lost while it is signed out of the testing library, the person who signed out the material(s) will be liable for replacement.


For more information regarding professional development and careers in psychology, we have provided some links here and you can also find other resources on our Undergraduate Psychology Resources Canvas page.