Mildred F. Sawyer Library

The Mildred F. Sawyer Library supports the learning, teaching, and research needs of the Suffolk University community.

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Explore the Sawyer Library


Browse the stacks or search our online databases. Don't stop if your battery's getting low; if you need to borrow a laptop, phone charger, or Kindle, we've got you covered.

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Student Services

Discuss an upcoming assignment in a group study room, type a paper in a private study carrel, or bring a snack and relax in a comfortable chair. If your research hits a snag, ask a Reference Librarian for advice.

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Faculty Services

Book a library instruction session for your class, request an interlibrary loan, or suggest a book purchase online.

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The Mildred F. Sawyer Library serves the College of Arts & Sciences and the Sawyer Business School. We occupy two and a half levels of 73 Tremont Street.

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