Ways to Help

Both the Suffolk CARES Pantry and the Suffolk CARES Emergency Grants rely heavily on the generosity of Suffolk faculty, staff, students, alumni and community partners. 100% of all donations made to the Suffolk CARES Pantry and Emergency Grant funds are used to provide direct assistance to students in need. As the need continues to grow, we are grateful for the unwavering commitment to students’ academic and personal success that exists at this university and is so easily seen through generous giving.

Monetary Donations

100% of all monetary donations go directly to students. Make your donation to the Suffolk CARES Pantry or Emergency Grant Fund to provide assistance for unmet needs by designating your gift via the form below.

Make a Gift

Physical Donations

All produce and product donations go directly to our students. The Suffolk CARES Pantry accepts donations during monthly donation drives or directly to the pantry on the 12th floor of 73 Tremont Street.

Product donations can also be made by visiting our Amazon Wish List. Your donation will be recorded and shipped directly to the Pantry: No need to lug boxes or bags to campus.

Volunteer Opportunities

Prefer to donate your time? The following opportunities may be just what you are looking for:

Assist with a campus donation drive
Restock or prep Pantry orders (Tuesdays 9:00 – 11:30 a.m.)