Experiential Learning Committee

This committee was created in response to the Suffolk 2025 Strategic Plan which calls for a university-wide experiential learning committee consisting of faculty from all three schools, and representatives from Student Affairs and Student Success, co-chaired by the Provost and the Dean of Students.

The committee works with faculty and staff to implement and integrate the philosophy of experiential learning throughout the student experience both inside and outside the classroom. The committee also supports the development and expansion of academic and co-curricular experiential learning initiatives through small grants to faculty and staff.

Working Definition of Experiential Learning Courses & Activities at Suffolk University September, 2023

Experiential learning is an iterative learning process centered around a student’s direct experiences and focused reflection in the context of a class or co-curricular activity.

Courses and Co-curricular activities are defined as experiential learning at Suffolk University where:

  1. They utilize the experiential learning process described above (direct experiences combined with focused reflection)
  2. Experiential components and methodologies contribute to at least 50% of the final grade in the course or time spent on the activity
  3. The experiential learning process is the organizing principle of the course or activity

Courses and Co-Curricular Activities that often meet the definition above and thus frequently are considered experiential learning at Suffolk University include, but are not limited to:

  • Internships
  • Externships
  • Clinical practice/practica
  • Project and problem-based learning activities and courses
  • University-guided service learning and civic engagement activities and courses
  • Maker’s-based courses
  • Laboratory courses
  • Independent research
  • Leadership training courses
  • Study abroad courses
  • Alternative spring break
  • Thesis research and writing

Where a course or activity does not meet all 3 of the criteria above, the inclusion of one or more experiential components (e.g., field trips, exercises, simulation activities), is valuable and highly encouraged, but will not be sufficient to designate the course or activity experiential learning per the definition above.

Experiential Learning Grants 2024 - 2025

Funds may be requested to purchase materials needed for innovative experiential learning activities, professional development activities for the applicant that prepare them to integrate new experiential learning approaches into classes and co-curricular activities, support for students to participate in novel experiential learning activities in classes or co-curricular activities, and so forth. Funds may not be requested to provide supplemental salary support (e.g. a stipend or overload pay) for the applicant.

Funding is available for the period between September 2, 2024 and June 30, 2025.

Please follow the submission guidelines described below. Applications will be reviewed on a rolling basis, with the first round of reviews starting on August 12, 2024.

Micro Award

The Micro Award supports Experiential Learning with seed funding of up to $1500. Proposals may be made by individuals, groups, programs, or units. Funds may be requested for any initiatives that increase or refine experiential learning for Suffolk students, including (but not limited to):

  1. Materials to support experiential learning activities in academic courses or co-curricular activities, this could support existing course/activities or enable new ones
  2. Educational resources or materials to support the development of experiential learning knowledge and integration into the student experience inside or outside the classroom, e.g. support for external speakers, a workshop series, or resources that can be used by multiple instructors or activity leaders
  3. Faculty / facilitator professional development training in experiential learning methods and pedagogy for the applicant or for a group of Suffolk employees (conference fees, etc.)
  4. Employment support for a student teaching assistant or peer guide to support novel experiential activities in a class or co-curricular activity. Terms: Funding may be requested to pay a continuing Suffolk student as an hourly employee. The award allows a faculty member or administrator to select the student. The faculty member or administrator must be available to supervise the student employee and to submit hours in Workday. Descriptions of positions must be advertised on the Financial Services website. Interested students will apply directly to the supervising faculty member or administrator who is responsible for interviewing candidates to ensure appropriate qualifications for the proposed project. Funding is restricted to full-time students registered for 12 credits or more in a Suffolk undergraduate or graduate program. Student employees may commence employment the first day of the semester provided the necessary paperwork has been completed.

Macro Award

The Macro Award supports Experiential Learning with grants of up to $7,500. Proposals may be made by groups, programs, or units.

Macro awards support large-scale initiatives that increase or refine experiential learning for significant populations of Suffolk students. Macro award applications should demonstrate proof of concept from prior work, should include plans for assessment and (if applicable) for pursuit of further funding, and should be based on wide-scale commitment from programs or units involved in the proposed project. Applications may request support for varied resources including but not limited to the categories of resources identified for micro grants as described. Personal stipends or overload pay for the applicant will not be provided.

Successful applications and project outcomes will be publicly showcased. Possible venues include Inside Suffolk, the CTSE May Symposium, and the Suffolk website.

  • Micro Awards
    Recipients of micro awards will prepare written project-outcome summaries (maximum two pages)
  • Macro Awards
    Recipients of Macro Awards will prepare a written mid-term report (maximum 5 pages and including an updated budget report) and will also prepare project-outcome summaries (maximum 15 pages) that include a budget report, a report on assessment results, and (if applicable) a report on results of investigations of further sources of funding

Some examples of proposals funded in the past include:

Applications will be reviewed on a rolling basis, with the first round of reviews starting on August 12, 2024.

March 7, 2025

Mid-term reports for all Macro Awards funded in the 2024-2025 academic year.

September 5, 2025

Project-outcome summaries for Macro Awards and for Micro Awards.

Complete the application and upload necessary documentation through the relevant Qualtrics links:

Questions about application submission may be directed to the CTSE. Completed applications will be reviewed by the Subcommittee for Developmental Awards and Grants (SDAG) of the Experiential Learning Committee. The SDAG will present its recommendations to the ELC and Provost Sandell.

2023-2024 Experiential Learning Committee


  • Kim M. McLaurin, Associate Dean for Academic Affairs, Law; Clinical Professor of Law
  • David Deangelis, Associate Dean Student Leadership


  • Rachel Plews, Director, Center for Teaching and Excellence
  • Gary Fireman, Associate Provost for Assessment and Chief Data Officer
  • Marjorie Salvodon, Associate Dean, Experiential Learning, Global Education & Public Impact, College of Arts & Sciences
  • Audrey Goldstein, Professor, Art & Design
  • Kristin Baker, Director of Student Performing Arts
  • Julia Collins Howington, University Archivist/Moakley Institute Director
  • Dave Merry, Associate Provost and Executive Director for Career Equity, Development, & Success
  • Sarah Boonin, Associate Dean for Experiential Learning, Law; Director of Clinical Programs; Clinical Professor of Law
  • Jodi Detjen, Associate Dean of Innovative Education and Programs, Sawyer Business School; Executive Director of the MBA Program; Associate Professor of Practice
  • Andrew Smith, Associate Professor, Marketing
  • Joyya P. Smith, Vice President for Diversity, Access & Inclusion