MBA Writing Resources

MBA Writing Support on LinkedIn Learning

Since Suffolk owns a site license for LinkedIn Learning, all Suffolk students, faculty, and staff have access to the videos and professional development courses offered there. The Center for Learning & Academic Success has curated a collection of courses specifically designed to support the writing development of MBA students. Whether you want to brush up on business writing principles or make significant improvement in your MBA writing, we recommend you start here (Suffolk login required).

Article Collections

The Free Management Library contains numerous educational articles and guides on various business-related subjects, including a nice collection of resources to help you improve your business writing. sells a variety of templates for business documents; however, it also has a large and useful collection of writing tactics and articles on business writing.

Business readers value brevity. Here are some tips from the University of Wisconsin Writing Center on making your sentences more concise.

Case Studies

Creating a business case study is a common assignment for MBA students, and writers create case studies in a wide variety of styles. The folks at DocSend have created a large collection of real-world examples of sales and marketing business-to-business case studies from various industries.

The Gunning Fog Index

The Gunning Fog Index (GFI) rates the verbal complexity of a piece of writing on a grade-level scale of 6 (sixth grade) to 17 (college graduate). Since ease of readability is so highly prized in business writing, business-oriented texts should have a GFI of less than 12. You can copy and paste your text into this tool to get an estimate of the text’s GFI.

Essay Writing for MBA Students

This video lecture from Massey University in New Zealand explores steps to creating high-quality written MBA essays including question analysis, research, thesis statement development, organization, drafting, feedback, and revision.  

Get Feedback

We—along with almost all of the resources above—recommend that you get feedback on your writing at some point in your writing process. Peer and professional CLAS writing tutors offer free consultations with writers from the College of Arts & Sciences as well as the Sawyer Business School, including writers in the MBA program. We also offer appointments both in person and online via Zoom video conference.  So whether you’re working on a proposal, a case study, or another MBA project, CLAS tutors can show you ways to improve as a writer. Learn how to schedule an appointment.

Writing Resources

The following resources were created by CLAS peer and professional tutors. They are meant to be a supplement to your in-class readings and assignments.