Assistive Technology

The Office of Disability Services provides students with access to a variety of assistive technology.

This includes text-to-speech software, scanners, speech-to-text software, Braille embossers and enlarging software. We will also loan students Livescribe pens, talking calculators, and other devices on a semester by semester basis. Registered students are welcome to use the Assistive Technology lab anytime while the office is open.

Useful Classroom Technology

Available to all Suffolk students (even those not registered with the Office of Disability Services) using Microsoft single sign on:

  • Read&Write, Customizable Text to Speech Software
  • Equatio, Digital Math Conversion Tool

Technology in the Assistive Technology Lab

Below is a partial list of our assistive technology equipment.

  • 6 PC computers
  • Speech-to-text software
  • Text-to-speech software
  • Organizational software
  • Two scanners
  • Talking calculators
  • Braille Embossers
  • Enlarging software (ZoomText)
  • Reading/ writing assistance software
  • LiveScribe pens
  • Pebble magnifying glass