CICL Research
The Center’s scholars are currently engaging in academic research related to the following broad themes:
- Discovering and disseminating ”best practices” for innovation and change leadership
- Bridging the gap between innovation and change leadership theory and practice
- Promoting more open systems of innovation and change
Fellow Publications in Recent Years
Technological and Digital Change
- Ghosh, K., Al-Amin, M., Li, J. K. (2024). Health Information Technology to Advance Care in Accountable Care Organizations: Implications for Medicare Patients. Health Care Management Review.
- Eisikovits, N., Johnson, W. C., and Markelevich, A. (2024). Should Accountants be Afraid of AI? Risks and Opportunities of Incorporating Artificial Intelligence into Accounting and Auditing. Accounting Horizons.
- Seidle, R. J. (2024). A Multi-Level View of Internal Technological Innovation. Journal of the International Council for Small Business.
- Chen, K., Wang, I.-C., Seidle, R. J. (2024). Navigating Digital Transformation: The Role of Management Innovation in Achieving Digital Maturity. The Learning Organization.
- Thomas, D., Yao, Y. (2024). A Model of IT Staff as Organizational Technology Innovation Capabilities. Southern Association of Information Systems.
- Gonzalez, K., Kanitz, R., Briker, R. (2024). “AI Can’t Steal My Soul”: In the Age of AI, the Human Touch is Paramount for the Craft of Managing Change. The Journal of Applied Behavioral Science.
- Cheng, M., Zhu, Z. J. (2024). Consumer Click Responses to Paid Ad Set Strategies of Search Platform. Cornell Hospitality Quarterly.
- Thomas, D., Yao, Y. (2023). Technology-Organization-Environment Meta-Review and Construct Analysis: Insights for Future Research. Hawaii International Conference on System Sciences (HCISS).
- Kim, S., Yao, Y. (2023). Blockchain’s Second Act. Supply Chain Management Review.
- Tanniru, M., Dohan, M., Ghosh, K. (2023). Inter-Organizational Leadership in Healthcare – Using Digital Services, Networks, and Digital Platforms. e-Service Journal.
Global Business Change
- Chen, B., Markelevich, A., Wang, I. G. (2025). Using Accounting Information to Identify Corporate Acquisition Motives: Implications on Post-Acquisition Performance. Advances in Accounting.
- Montecinos Bravo, A., Galindo, H. (2024). A DSGE Model with Government-Owned Banks. The B.E. Journal of Macroeconomics.
- Celo, S., Lehrer, M., Zinoviev, D. (2024). Modeling Serendipity in Opportunity Search by Born-Global Firms: Performance Implications from a Computer Simulation of Evolutionary Drift Using NKC Methodology. International Business Review.
- Seidle, R. J. (2024). Searching Wide or Staying Close: The Relative Use of Distinct Organizational Learning Types in High and Low Novelty Innovations. Industry and Innovation.
- Lehrer, M., Almor, T. (2022). Startups Internationalizing in Quest of a Business Model: The Global Prospecting of Process Niche Firms. Journal of International Management.
- Wang, G., Chen, B., Markelevich, A. (2021). Did the Accounting for Goodwill Create a Bubble? The Indonesian Journal of Accounting Research.
- Montecinos Bravo, A., Duarte, D., Galindo, H. (2021). Leverage and Capital Utilization. The European Journal of Finance.
- Bicen, P. (2021). Shelby D. Hunt’s Legacy, The R-A Theory of Competition, and Its Perspective on the Geographical Indications (GIs) Debate. Journal of Global Scholars of Marketing Science.
People and Social Change
- Beaver, G., Zellmer-Bruhn, M. (2025). Employee Resource Groups: Experiences of Members and the Role of Allies. Equality, Diversity and Inclusion: An International Journal.
- Hajjar, L. M., Olaleye, O., Yang, J., Sullivan, E. (2025). Relational Coordination and Team-Based Care: Change Initiative Overload and Other Challenges in a Learning Health System. Learning Health Systems.
- Kanitz, R., Reinwald, M., Gonzalez, K., Burmeister, A., Song, Y., Hoegl, M. (2024). 4 Ways Employees Respond to DEI Initiatives. Harvard Business Review.
- Hajjar, L., Sullivan, E., Maurer, M., Yang, J. (2024). Lessons for Tomorrow: The Role of Relationships and Mindfulness in Sustaining Services During a Crisis. Health Care Management Review.
- Seidle, R. J., Bicen, P. (2023). Mobilizing Business Knowledge for Meaningful Social Action: Insights from an Undergraduate Business Curriculum Redesign Project. International Conference on Sustainable Development (ICSD).
- Li, J. K., Al-Amin, M., Roski, M. (2023). Early Results of the Financial Impact of the COVID-19 Pandemic on U.S. Hospitals. Journal of Healthcare Management.
- Beaver, G. (2023). Individual Outcomes of Employee Resource Group Membership. Personnel Review.
- Bond-Fortier, B. J., Nader, E. (2022). Testing the Effects of a Problem-Solving Policing Strategy on Crime Outcomes: The Promise of an Integrated Approach. Police Quarterly.
- Gebo, E., Bond-Fortier, B. J. (2022). Advancing Interorganizational Crime and Violence Reduction Goals Through a Relational Change Intervention. Criminal Justice Policy Review.
- Sullivan, E. E., Stephenson, A. L., Hoffman, A. R. (2022). Engaging Physicians in Leadership: Motivations, Challenges, and Identity-Based Considerations. Journal of Healthcare Management.
- Ziegert, J. C., Knight, A. P., Resick, C. J., Graham, K. A. (2022). Addressing Performance Tensions in Multiteam Systems: Balancing Informal Mechanisms of Coordination Within and Between Teams. Academy of Management Journal.
- Ziegert, J. C., Mayer, D. M., Piccolo, R. F., Graham, K. A. (2021). Collectivistic Leadership in Context: An Examination of How and When Collective Charismatic Leadership Relates to Unit Functioning. Journal of Leadership & Organizational Studies.
Environmental and Climate Change
- Wang, I.-C., Qian (2024). Promoting Clean Energy Transition and Industry Emergence: Leveraging Public Funding for the Commercialization of Fuel Cell Technologies. Industry and Innovation.
- Wong, C.-Y., Wang, I.-C. (2023). Resistant, Path Creation, or Resilient? An Empirical Study of 87 Innovative Cities Worldwide. Seoul Journal of Economics.
- Zhu, Z. J., Weidner, K., Nakata, C. (2021). Sustainable Innovation and the Triple Bottom-Line: A Market-Based Capabilities and Stakeholder Perspective. Journal of Marketing Theory & Practices.
Practical Insights Series
These working papers are authored or co-authored by CICL-affiliated faculty. The papers address scholarly treatments of innovation or change management from a variety of disciplines and perspectives. For permission to reproduce or to request a copy, contact an author directly.
Lopsided Schumpeterian Competition and the Superstar Firm Phenomenon
Mark Lehrer, I-Kim Wang, and Michael Behnam
Summary: There are many nuances as to why some firms become such dominating superstars compared to others. This article investigates how this phenomenon has played out in the OLED industry, specifically looking at Samsung and LG. Spoiler alert: the supply chain and country of inception are big factors.
Innovation Resilience in Cities
Chan-Yuan Wong, I-Kim Wang, Jeffrey Sheu, and Mei-Chih Hu
Summary: How can cities sustain their technological momentum and build resilience after experiencing economic setbacks? This research aims to shed light on how cities can maintain innovation during times of economic turmoil and offers valuable insights for businesses operating within these cities.
Sequences of Learning Types for Organizational Ambidexterity
Russell J. Seidle
Summary: Professor Russel Seidle unveils how learning strategies can drive a company's adaptability and growth in his latest research. This is a pivotal read for leaders navigate the balance between long-term evolution and immediate performance.