
Your faculty are accomplished professionals in public service, working in the areas of U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, the Massachusetts Behavioral Health Program, the Massachusetts Department of Social Services, and the Senate. Others are researching topics that include public safety, public budgeting, labor law, and education policy. Find your new Suffolk mentors in public administration here.

Full-Time Faculty

Douglas Snow

Brenda J. Bond

Brendan F. Burke

Lauren Hajjar

Marc Holzer

Linda Melconian 

Aimee L. Williamson

Sonia L. Alleyne

Lydia Segal


Leann Baldwin
BA, MS, Suffolk University

Ronald Corbett
AB, Harvard University
EdD, University of Massachusetts
MS, Northeastern University

David Farrag
JD, Suffolk University
MPA, Suffolk University
BS, Northeastern University

Trish Gannon
BA, College of the Holy Cross
MPA, Suffolk University

Douglas Gutro
BS, University of Massachusetts
MPA, Suffolk University

Nancy London
BA, MA, Ohio State University

Bernard Lynch
BS, University of Lowell
MPA, University of Massachusetts

Nicole Rivers
BS, Bridgewater State College
MPA, Suffolk University

Shahram Shadbash
BA in Sociology, minor: psychology (UMass/Boston)
MA: international Relations (Boston University)
PhD: international Relations and History (Boston University)

In Memoriam

Richard H. Beinecke

Brenda Bond, chair of the Institute for Public Service, has spent 20 years researching community-police relations. She's now working with the Lowell Police Department to examine the relationship between police and community and test models for improvement.
Brenda Bond, MA, PhD
How is public money allocated? It’s a question that drives Professor Snow’s research. And it’s a topic that’s central to many MPA classes.Whether Professor Snow is studying rainy day funds or the budgeting strategies of local schools, his research provides a wealth of examples and cases that add depth to class discussions.
Douglas Snow, MPA, PhD

Professor Williamson's research spans many areas, ranging from organizational change and administrative reform to leadership. Recently, she has studied the the crisis management of the Deepwater Horizon oil spill and edited abstracts on the public response to the Boston Marathon Bombings.

Aimee Williamson, MPA, PhD