Bar Exam Accommodations
In other words, receipt of ADA accommodations in college and/or law school does not guarantee approval for exam accommodations on any bar exam. Further, the BBE and NCBE’s clinical documentation standards are very detailed, clear, and time sensitive. For example, should an applicant’s documentation date exceed their established timeframe, they may require additional and more current assessments to validate the presence of a disabling condition.
Students are advised to plan early and take the time to review the testing accommodation standards for each agency. Applying early and planning carefully will allow applicants to maximize their chances of successfully submitting requests for ADA accommodations on the MPRE and/or state bar examinations. Students are also encouraged to schedule an appointment with Disability Services. More information and advice are available for students interested in learning more about this process.
More information regarding testing accommodations for the MPRE and individual state bar exams: