Marketing, Analytics, Advertising & Public Relations
Analyze market trends, track consumer behavior, create consumer brands, develop advertising and social media campaigns, and influence industry leaders to make big decisions. This Career Community launches you into the world’s most innovative marketing analytics, creative campaigns, and integrated marketing communications arenas. Leverage your knowledge of data, market research, and creative brand creation to change the way we see the world.
It’s ideal for those interested in marketing, business intelligence, data analytics, global marketing, information systems and operations management, advertising, public relations, and social media.
Get Involved with This Career Community

Amy Whitish-Temple
Assistant Director of Marketing, Analytics, Advertising
and PR Career Community
Email Amy Whitish-Temple
Each Career Community is purposefully designed to introduce you to the influential employers who can help you define and find a purposeful career path. When you participate in one or more of the Career Communities, you’ll collaborate with faculty, staff, alumni, and employers and enjoy access to industry-specific job shadowing, networking events, speakers, panels, mentoring, and other opportunities.
Are you an employer looking to get involved with this Career Community? Email us or find more information here.