Public Administration, Government & Law

Make connections with current and future public service experts across the spectrum of government, legal, and political influence who use moral and ethical codes to influence and uphold a just society.

Suffolk students gather together at a voter registration rally.

Serve the public good, affect national and international policy decisions, and enforce legal standards that maintain our civil rights. This Career Community positions you to influence the fabric of our society through community organizing, governance, and the law.

It’s ideal for those interested in legal studies, criminal justice, political science, public policy, lobbying, campaign management, paralegal studies, restorative justice, and victim advocacy.  

Get Involved with This Career Community

James Hubbard Portrait 

James Hubbard

Assistant Director, Career Communities
Public Administration, Government & Law
Email James
Book an Appointment

Each Career Community is purposefully designed to introduce you to the influential employers who can help you define and find a purposeful career path. When you participate in one or more of the Career Communities, you’ll collaborate with faculty, staff, alumni, and employers and enjoy access to industry-specific job shadowing, networking events, speakers, panels, mentoring, and other opportunities.

Join a Career Community

Are you an employer looking to get involved with this Career Community? Email us or find more information here.


Further Information For This Career Community

  • Program Coordinator
  • Budget Analyst
  • Chief of Staff
  • Investigator
  • Office Administrator
  • Education Program Coordinator
  • Diplomatic Affairs Coordinator
  • Executive Assistant
  • Outreach & Constituent Services Specialist
  • Paralegal
  • Legal Assistant
  • Lawyer
  • Campaign Manager
  • Corporate Stewardship & Governance Policy
  • Foreign Service Diplomat
  • Field Organizer
  • Research Assistant
  • Court Clerk
  • HR Specialist

  • Commitment to public service and the greater good
  • Understand and synthesize historical context with current conflicts
  • Exhibit critical thinking and produce solutions to complex issues
  • Collaborate with diverse groups of people
  • Strong written and verbal communication
  • Plan and manage budgets
  • Perform market and legislative research and provide analysis on trends and topics
  • Act as a liaison between department/office and civilians or other stakeholders
  • Utilize computer databases, spreadsheets and other software applications
  • Adaptable and able to navigate ambiguous situations

Connect with resume samples from this career community:

If you plan on applying for opportunities in the federal government, check out this helpful guide created by the U.S. Office of Personnel Management, “Writing an Effective Federal Resume”

For resumes targeting public administration, government & law opportunities…

  • Specifically for State & Federal jobs, it is important to read carefully what type of format and what information is required
  • Some agencies or states will require you to create an online profile rather than submit a resume, although will ask for a lot of the same information

Check out our resume and cover letter guide for tips and samples to get started. For additional assistance, please visit Quinncia, an AI-powered mock interview and resume review platform

  • Informational interviews are a great way to learn more about the department or organization before you apply
  • Keep copies of the job announcements for the jobs in which you applied, because most of your interview will be based on that.
  • You may receive a call instead of an email, congratulating you on moving forward in the interview process—check to ensure your voicemail is appropriate in case the recruiter needs to leave a voicemail!
  • If you are having an in-person interview, have all the security/access requirements to get into the building (license, passport, etc.), and budget additional time prior to your interview to get through security so you are not late.
  • Be prepared to speak about the agency, mission and challenges of the organization
  • USAJobs holds webinars on interviewing for federal jobs, and GoGovernment also has some tips & tricks for all types of interviews

For additional assistance, please schedule an appointment with Nana-Korantema Koranteng or visit Quinncia, an AI-powered mock interview and resume review platform

  • Pi Alpha Alpha
  • College Democrats
  • Student Government Association
  • Suffolk University College Republicans
  • Suffolk University Legal Association
  • Suffolk University Mock Trial
  • Suffolk University United Model Nations
  • Women in Government
"I look forward to the Public Administration, Law & Government Career Community as I think Suffolk serves many students who go on to succeed in this field, and this community can help us better connect the students and alumni in these fields. As a municipal professional, I’m also excited to work on creating tools for municipal employers and creating programming that explores the municipal career pathways students can take."
Jackie Bresnahan, BA '14, MPA '16 Assistant Town Administrator/HR Director at Town of Middleton